March 23-25, 2019
Rancho Cucamonga, CA

The President of the San Diego United Lions Club, Lion Elizabeth Yoe, was invited to attend the California Lions Club, Multiple District 4, Lions International, Leadership Conference. This 3-day program was held in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, at the Lions Learning Center East and West location. The leadership program was developed for MD-4 Lions interested in leading and motivating volunteer lions using the style and skills taught by Lions Club International. The program was only open to 60 Leadership participants, and was completely full before the conference began.

With a very full schedule that began at 07:30 am each morning and finished at 8:00 pm each night, a variety of topics were presented by both institute GLT Lion Leaders and the Lion Leadership attendees. Topics included presentation role playing, powerpoints, lectures, hands-on projects, team-building, public speaking, membership methods, leadership styles, club issues & resolutions, and so much more. Each Lion Leader attendee was required to prepare a presentation on their club or similar topic, and present it to the entire group of instructors while being graded on their poise, preparation, expertise, and more. Whew, that was a big project and so many excellent and knowledgeable Lions!

There were also multiple guest speakers who complimented the Leadership GLT Training Staff bringing another level of knowledge and experience to the Lion Leadership Course. We had the opportunity to meet and interact with Lion Past District Governor Ken Ibarra, and the endorsed candidate for International Director (2019-2020). Not only a Guest Speaker, but Lion Ken interacted and participated throughout the round table discussions.

With over 20+ different clubs present, with three of the attending clubs from San Diego. They included the San Diego United Lions Club, San Diego Elite Lions Club, and San Diego Majestic Lions Club (verifying these names). It was a great opportunity to meet other Lions from San Diego, and get to know them better – sharing ideas, issues, and fun team projects! Long days, lots of project work, but a great learning experience was had by all the attendees. It was a great opportunity to become a better Leader and Lion.