The San Diego United Lions Club, in partnership with Rady Children’s Hospital, and syncing with the extended childhood cancer and diabetes goals of Lions Club International, wanted to contribute in some small way to those kids with childhood cancer and childhood diabetes. The Lions worked with the hospital staff to fulfill a need for items to keep the kids creatively engaged during treatment. The Rady Children’s request list consisted of arts and craft items for children of all ages as arts and crafts encourages creativity, can reduce stress, while allowing them to complete a wide variety of activities using their own hands and art skills. How could we raise the money to help them? Part One of our venture was to create a SDULC 5K sponsored walk/run to help us raise the necessary money to obtain these items. In March, the Lions and the local community came out to sponsor the walkers and runners raising over $650 dollars as we walked and ran around Lake Miramar in San Diego County. The money, raised during our March 2019 SDULC 5K walk/run, provided enough funding for the Lions to purchase over 300+ puzzles, crafts, pencils, pens, paints, dozens of canvases, markers, crayons, coloring books, paint brushes, easels, and other arts/crafts materials.

Part Two of our adventure was to deliver all the wonderful arts and crafts items for the kids there. On April 4, 2019, the San Diego United Lions Club had the opportunity to meet with the team from Rady Children’s Hospital led by Halle Aiken, at Rady Children’s Hospital new Acute Care Pavilion. Halle and her colleagues from oncology, endocrinology, hematology, and public relations were on hand to greet us and provide us with a presentation on the hospital, its patients, and the newly completed buildings/pavilions. Our goal to donate the requested art & craft materials to the children with cancer and or diabetes that could be used during their in-patient and out-patient medical treatment was successful – we were so happy for them, and what a warm feeling it gives you to bring a smile to others regardless of age.

Rady Children’s Hospital is a non-profit, pediatric care facility with approximately 520+ beds for kids, and the only hospital in San Diego dedicated specifically for pediatric healthcare including the region’s designated pediatric trauma center. The Acute Care Pavilion has 154 beds making Rady Children’s Hospital the largest children’s hospital in the state of California. Also within the Acute Care Pavilion is the Peckham Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders providing specialized cancer treatment and hematology services – including blood and marrow transplants. The Peckham Center is leader in clinical research giving children and their families the best hope for a cure. In FY2018, they provided care to 227, 461 children, and completed 247,314 outpatient visits. During the fiscal year, they provided care to 300+ newly diagnosed children with cancer, performed 30+ blood and marrow transplants. What a work load for the doctors, nurses, and care providers there!

We hope, in some small way, we brightened the face of a child, lessened their stress during treatment, and contributed to their creative vision in the world of art. The Lions of the San Diego United Lions Club wishes to thank Rady Children’s Hospital for their education and collaboration, and to put into words how grateful we were to help “your kids” in some small, meaningful way. Thank you Rady Children’s Hospital.


Lion Elizabeth Yoe
President, San Diego United Lions Club